Hand Gonnes

The first of the hand held weapons were referred to as hand gonnes (cannons). They were a barrel (between .60 and .80 caliber) mounted to a pole. Although we think of Hand Gonnes shooting stone or lead balls, the earliest reference’s show them shooting short stubby metal tipped arrows. There are "892 shefe’s of musket arrows" listed in the Tower of London inventory of 1589. Hand Gonnes were used from the mid 1300’s to the mid 1400’s. A painting dated 1411 in Austria shows an s-shaped lever (for holding the match cord) attached to the wooden shaft so you could have more control of the weapon.

Hand Gonnes (793)

Our hand cannons are from the Dave Kroyer Collection. We are reproducing two different Hand Cannons (Gonnes). The first is a .62 caliber brass barrel that is very similar to the gun found in the ruins of Tannenberg Castle that was destroyed in 1399. The second is the more typical round .75 caliber barrel. These are finished barrels all you have to do is purchase the 1 1/8" wooden shaft (available from most local hardware stores), between three and six feet long and lightly taper the one end to fit the socket. It is very surprising the accuracy that you can get with a little practice. We have been able to hit man size targets at 70 to 80 yards (8 out of 10 times).

793 BA-ST Barrel (Steel Round) (.75 Caliber) $150.00  
793 BA-BR Barrel (Brass) (.62 Caliber) $195.00  
793 SSL S-Shaped Lever (for Holding Matchcord) $29.95  

Hakenbusche (855)



This is another Hand Cannon (Gonne) with a steel round barrel with rings for reinforcing, as some of the early hand cannon (gonnes) were cast, this type used a forged barrel. The rings were to make sure the barrel did not split from firing. This also has the Haken (hook) that some people think was use to lay over a wall in firing to absorb recoil, but even with heavy loads there is not much recoil to these weapons. It is more reasonable to think that it was used as a dual purpose to make the hand cannons (gonnes) usable as a hand to hand battle weapon for piercing bodies and armor. We offer preshaped and inletted stocks for this weapon or you can make your own. The barrel is 9" in length and .75 Caliber. Can also be made without the hook. Many early Hakenbuchse Paintings show the s-shaped matchcord holder above used on these guns.

855 BA Barrel (Steel Round Ribbed) (.75 Caliber) $150.00  
855 BAND Barrel Band (2 Needed) $14.95  
855 ST Stock $75.00  
855 SSL S-Shaped Lever (for Holding Matchcord) $29.95  
855 H Haken (Hook) $24.95  
855 R Ring $7.95  
855 SN Stud and Nut (2 Needed) $9.95  
855 PARTS Parts Set without S-Shaped Lever $295.00  
855 PARTS-S Parts Set with S-Shaped Lever $325.00