Contact Information
You can contact us by letter, phone, fax or e-mail with the contact information listed to the right.
If you are a customer outside the United States of America you may be able to order our parts from one of the dealers listed below.
Historiache Feuerwaffen |
Irish Arms |
Dieter Strauss | Boyd Rankin | |
Oberes Tor 3 | Red House Farm | |
Markt Bibart 91477 | Claddagh Ballyjamesduff | |
Germany | Cavan Ireland | |
hfw@strauss-dieter.de | artillery@eircom.net | |
9162-983058 | 353-49-8545856 | |
www.irisharms.ie | ||
Green River Rifle Works |
Peter M. Gray |
Graham Colquhoun | Furzefield Farm | |
89 Cumberland Ave | Partridge Lane, Newdigate | |
Cumberland Park, South 5041 | Surrey, RH5 5BW | |
Australia | England | |
vaisham@bigpond.com.au | aldhurst.arms@gmail.com | |
(44)(0)1293-862-239 Tel/Fax |
Barrel Manufacturers
If you cannot find the barrel you need you can contact a barrel maker below to see about getting a custom made barrel.
Colerain Barrel Company |
Freishutz Shop |
Scott Keller and Scott Kelley | Robert A. Hoyt | |
3820 Spruce Creek Road | 700 Fairfield Station Road | |
Spruce Creek, PA 16683 | Fairfield, PA 17320 | |
scott@colerainbarrel.com | (717) 642-6696 Tel. | |
(814) 632-7513 Tel. | (Civil War Barrels) | |
www.colerainbarrel.com | ||
Ben Coogle |
Rayl Barrels |
Ben Coogle | Ed Rayl | |
5307 Coogle Road | PO Box 91 | |
Oglethorpe, GA 31068 | Gassaway, WV 26624 | |
bencoogle@alltel.net | (304) 364-8269 | |
(912) 472-7280 Tel. |